First Year English Question And Answers1. Pakistan Zindabad
Q#1: Who was the first Governor General of Pakistan?
Ans: Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the first Governor General of Pakistan
Q#2: Who was the last viceroy of India?
Ans: Lord Mountbatten was the last viceroy of India. And he was first Governor General of India.
Q#3: When and where was the Pakistan resolution passed?
Ans: The Pakistan resolution was passed on March 23, 1940 at Lahore in the 27th session of all India Muslim leagues.
Q#4: State briefly what the Pakistan resolution decided?
Ans: It was decided in the Pakistan resolution that India must be divided into two states of those parts where the Muslim as independent states.
Q#5: What were the provinces that voted to join Pakistan?
Ans: Sindh the North West frontier provinces, sylhet, Baluchistan, West Punjab and East Bengal voted to join Pakistan.
Q#6: Why did Kashmir not join Pakistan?
Ans: The Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir was won over by Indian Prime Minister Nehru. The Hindu Maharaja decided to join India while the Kashmiri people wanted to join Pakistan.
Q#7: How large was the population of Pakistan when it became independent?
Ans: About seventy million was the population of Pakistan when it became independent.
Q#8: How does Pakistan compare in size with other Nation of the world?
Ans: At the time of independence, Pakistan was the greatest Muslim states and the fifth largest nation of the world.
Q#9: Why the writers apply the word terrible to the first year of Pakistan’s history as an independent state?
Ans: When India was divided into two independent states Pakistan and India, millions of people crossed the borders. About 6.5 million Muslims came to Pakistan from India and 5.5 million Hindus left Pakistan for India. During this migration about half a million Muslims were killed or burnt alive by militant Hindus and Sikhs. This terrible sight of mass killing and destruction moved everybody to tears. This is why the writer used the word terrible.
Q#10: Where is the tomb of Quaid -I- Azam?
Ans: The tomb of Quaid -I- Azam is in the heart of Karachi.
Q#1: When and where did the Birkenhead sink?
Ans: Birkenhead was a British troopship. It was carrying soldiers and their families to South Africa. It sank on 25th February 1851 at two O’ clock in the early morning sixty four kilometer from Cape Town in South Africa.
Q#2: What kinds of people were being carried as passengers?
Ans: It was carrying British soldiers and their families to South Africa. Of these, one hundred and seventy were women and children. The soldiers were mostly young and inexperienced and had joined army only recently.
Q#3: How did the Birkenhead come to be wrecked? Was any member of the crew to blame?
Ans: There was a hidden rock sixty four kilometers from Cape undiscovered. It was not shown in any of the maps of the sea. The ship struck against the hidden rock early in the morning and was divided into two portions. The members of the crew were not responsible for this accident as the rock was not their fault. They were quite unaware of the hidden rock in the sea.
Q#4: What happened after the ship had struck against the rock?
Ans: The people on the ship were awakened from a peaceful sleep by this shock. They came out from their cabins and tried to make their way to the deck. They crawled among the wrecked pieces of the unfortunate ship and at last reached the deck. The front portion of the ship immediately sank into the water and disappeared. The people fortunately had reached the other portion, which was still floating on the surface of the water for the time being.
Q#5: Why was there lifeboat accommodation for only 180 people after the collision with the rock?
Ans: The ship was completely destroyed after the collision with the rock. The front portion had sunk down immediately. They had lifeboats with them but unfortunately all the life boats were damaged or destroyed only three lifeboats remained in working order. One lifeboat could carry only sixty passengers and thus could save only 180 people in the three lifeboats.
Q#6: Was there enough room in the three lifeboats for all women and children?
Ans: There was enough room for all the women and children in the three lifeboats. There were one hundred and seventy women and children on the ship. One lifeboat could carry sixty passengers so there was accommodation for only 180 passengers in three boats.
Q#7: Describe the behavior of the soldiers while the women and children escaped in the boats?
Ans: The commander of the troops called on his soldiers to gather on deck in proper drill order. The soldiers in redcoats with set faces stood in their ranks calmly waiting for their fate. There was complete discipline among the soldiers. The uniformed soldiers were standing at attention as if they were at their daily drill.
Q#8: What would probably have happened had there been a panic?
Ans: Had there been a panic not one out of the six hundred and thirty people would have been saved. In case of panic, men, women and children might have pushed one another into the sea in their wild efforts to save their own lives. The boats might have been over loaded and sunk under the weight. The women and children might have been crushed under the feet. In this way, they all would have been drowned if there had been any panic on Birkenhead. But there was no panic on the Birkenhead troopship.
Q#9: Were many of the men rescued? How did the survivors manage to save themselves?
Ans: The majority of the soldiers drowned away as the other portion of the ship sank into the water. A few of them struggled to the surface of the sea and held on to pieces of the wreckage. A rescue ship arrived on the scene and picked them up but four hundred and thirty six men went down forever. Everyone was loyal to himself and to his duty.
Q#10: Describe one heroic action that took place after the Birkenhead went down?
Ans: The commander of the troops was hanging on a wreck age when he saw two young sailors struggling in the water. He pushed the wreckage towards them and all the three held on to it. The Commander realized that the plank was not strong enough to support the burden of three persons. So, he let go his hold and sank into the sea. He sacrificed his life and saved the lives of two young sailors.
Q#1: When and why was the U.N.O founded and briefly what in spired its foundation?
Ans: The United Nation Organization came into being on April 1945. It was established in San Francisco, the USA. Its old name was League of Nations. There were two reasons for the formation of the U.N.O. the first and the most important reason for the formation of U.N.O was the desire of peace among the people of the world. The Second World War was the most horrible war in the history of mankind. It had brought great misery to the whole world. Millions of people were killed and wounded. Millions suffered from poverty, hunger and disease. The conscience of man roused and he wanted to put ban on war. He wanted peace. The second reason was the inventions of science like Radio, Telephone and Airplanes which were linking the world together. The whole world was coming on one platform, so the people thought to make it one international home where all should live in a peaceful manner.
Q#2: How successful has the U.N.O been in preventing wars?
Ans: The basic aim of the U.N.O was to prevent the Nations of the world from the wars but the U.N.O is absolutely a failure in stopping wars from the world. In some cases the U.N.O has succeeded, but in many cases the U.N.O is completely the failure.
Q#3: What part of the work of the U.N.O appears, so far to have yielded the most promising result?
Ans: The U.N.O is failure in preventing wars in the world, but it is very successful in its fight against poverty disease, ignorance, social and political injustices. It has improved the living condition of life. It has finished many of the dangerous diseases. It provides financial and all other assistance to the poor countries. The fight of U.N.O against the social evils is remarkable.
Q#4: What are the more important differences between the General Assembly and the Security Council?
Ans: The General Assembly is the central and principal organ of the U.N.O where all the countries of the world are represented. The Security Council consists of only fifteen members, whereas in Security Council there are only five permanent members. There is no temporary member in General Assembly whereas there are ten temporary members in the Security Council. The General Assembly has no veto power whereas the Security Council has veto power. The General Assembly can only condemn, but the Security Council can use the force in any matter.
Q#5: What is the designation of the Chief Officer of the U.N.O for how long he is appointed and by whom is he appointed?
Ans: The Chief Officer of the U.N.O is called Secretary General. He has important political responsibilities. He is appointed by general Assembly with the approval of Security Council. He serves for a term of five years until the election of his successor. The Secretary General makes a report to the General Assembly every year, on the work of the U.N.O.
Q#6: How large a staff is employed by the Secretariat and where does it work?
Ans: There is a staff of about five thousand people working directly under the Secretary General in New York in the United States of America. There are also other branches of the Secretariat with hundreds of employees at various other centers.
Q#7: Write short note on World Bank (International Bank)?
Ans: The World Bank is the financial body of the U.N.O. it lends money to poor and under developing countries to carry out some work of public importance such as Electric plant, Roads, Canals, Railways, Industrial and Agricultural projects. The bank gives loan on easy installments and helps the poor countries to develop their own resources. The World Bank gives loan to Pakistan every year for various projects of development which were and are being completed by the assistance of World Bank.
Q#8: What do the initials W.H.O stands for? And what is its function?
Ans: The World Health Organization was started in 1946 but the permanent organization came into being on 7th April which is now celebrated all over the world as world Health Day. It has wiped out small pox, T.B, plague, leprosy and many other widespread diseases from the world. It fights against diseases and sends medical experts all over the world to train the doctors nurses and all the concerned. The research work of W.H.O is very helpful to the medical experts. It supplies free of cost medicines to the poor countries.
Q#9: What do the initials F.A.O stands for and what is its function?
Ans: F.A.O stands for Food and Agriculture Organization. It was start in 1943. It guides the Agriculture Colleges and the Universities how to grow more food and other crops, how to control animal and plant diseases how to protect food in storage. it tells the modern method of utilization and farming on large scale. It guides how to increase the production of poultry, fisheries and forests. It publishes useful literature on agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Q#10: What is the function of UNESCO?
Ans: UNESCO stands for United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. There are many functions of this body. It promotes Education and tries to educate the people of the world. It tells modern method of teaching through Radio and Television. It insists on adult education. It publishes the new scientific discoveries on that the whole world may be benefited. It translates the masterpieces of one language into other languages of the world. It supports the writers, poets, novelists and artists and sends them to visit other parts of the world. UNESCO tries to advice human relation through education, science and culture and creates international understanding, which leads to peace.
Q#1: According to author, what is the effect upon him of entering a bank to do business?
Ans: The author is afraid of bank. The desks, the sight of money, the clerks, each and every thing of the bank frightens him he had proved himself a complete fool there.
Q#2: Why did the author decide to open an account?
Ans: The author decided to open an account because he had got an increment of fifty dollars in his salary. He wanted to save that extra amount in any bank.
Q#3: What was the Manager’s reaction, when the author told him that he would like to see him alone?
Ans: First, the Manager thought that he had come to tell him some terrible secret about the bank. Secondly he thought him to be a detective of Pinkerton’ company. His mysterious manners had compelled him to think him a detective.
Q#4: Why did the Manager look relieved, when he knows his purpose?
Ans: The Manager looked relived because the author was not a detective. He thought him a very rich man, perhaps a son of Baron Rothschild who had come to deposit some big amount in his bank.
Q#5: What mistake did the author make when he wrote the cheque?
Ans: The author wanted to draw back six dollars for his present use, but out of confusion, he wrote the whole amount of 56 dollars on the cheque.
Q#6: Explain the meaning of the clerk’ question “how will you have it”?
Ans: The clerk wanted to know the author he would like to be paid bank in dollars or notes.
Q#7: Why was there “roar of laughter”, when the author left bank?
Ans: There was a “roar of laughter” that went up to the roof of the bank. They all burst out into laughter because of the funny behaviour of the author. He remained nervous and made many follies during his stay in the bank. He met the Manager in privacy just for a minor amount. He entered the safe instead of going back to the accountant. He deposited 56 dollars and wrote the whole amount of 56 dollars on the cheque. All these follies and his funny behaviour made the staff to burst out into laughter.
Q#8: Do you think this a true story of Stephen Leacock?
Ans: The author Stephen Leacock was a respected university teacher and highly successful writer, so it cannot be a true story. Moreover, “My Bank Account” is a humorous story. Humorous stories are always written in first person, so the author wrote it in a first person to make it more affective.
Q#9: Why is it wiser to keep one’s money in a bank to hoard it in one’ home?
Ans: It is wiser to keep one’s money in a bank because it is safe and one needs not worry about his wealth. He gets the interest on that money and thus gets the financial benefit. His money is utilized in various projects and in this way, he indirectly contributes to national development.
Q#1: At what speed do wireless waves move? What other waves move at this speed?
Ans: The wireless waves move at the speed of 299, 792.5 kilometers per second. Electric and light waves also travel at the same speed.
Q#2: Why were “wireless waves” once called Hertzian Waves?
Ans: Wireless Waves were called “Hertzian Waves” as these were discovered by “Heinrich Hertz”. Actually this is one of the inventions that is named after it’s discoverer.
Q#3: In what years were wireless signals first transmitted over the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean? Who was responsible for these successive experiments?
Ans: It was in 1889 that Wireless signals were sent across the English Channel, two years later in December 1901. The Atlantic Ocean was crossed. Marconi was responsible for these successful experiments.
Q#4: What facts are given in the text about the first use of Wireless to bring help to a ship in distress?
Ans: We are told that in 1903 a ship used Wireless for the first time to send distress signals. It was done when the liner Re-public Collide with some other ship in the Atlantic Ocean.
Q#5: Could speech be transmitted in the early days of Wireless Signaling? If not, how were message transmitted?
Ans: In the early days of Wireless Signaling, speech could not be transmitted, but the messages were being sent through dots and dashes of the Morse code that the words transmitted.
Q#6: During what period did sound broadcasting generally established?
Ans: Sound broadcasting become generally established in nineteen hundred twenties I.e. (between 1920 to 1929). During this period the Radio because fully introduced and was used in millions of homes all over the world.
Q#7: In what way is television and advance upon sound broadcasting?
Ans: Television is an advance over sound broadcasting in the screen that a through television one can not only listen, but also see the picture and movements of the speaker.
Q#8: What is the function of radar?
Ans: Radar is used to locate the position of ships and aero planes very exactly. It is useful particularly during the days of war. The invention of radar has greathy contributed towards the safety of the sea-journey. The movements of the planes near airport are controlled by the ground through radar. By using radar the collision of ships in fog and darkness can be avoided and it also tells about the coastline near to it that’s why; every ship is equipped with radar.
Q#9: what use can the astronomer now make of radio?
Ans: The most wonderful development of radio arises from the discovery that stars emit radio waves. On this principle radio, telescope, with huge aerial and mirrors has been invented. With the help of radio telescope one on pick up radio waves from distant stars and galaxies.
Q#1: When, where and by whom was the first aerial journey made?
ans: The first aerial journey was made on 5th of October 1783 over pairs by a French man, Pilatre-de-Rozies.
Q#2: What is essential difference between an air ship and an aero plane?
Ans: An airship is lighter than air while aero plane is heavier than air.
Q#3: Who invented the internal combustion engine? Why was this type of engine so important to the development of flight?
Ans: The internal combustion engine was invented by a German scientist Otto. It was important because it improve the speed of the flight.
Q#4: Who was the fist man to fly in an aero plane? What was the of his first flight and how long did it last?
Ans: Orvelle Wright was the first man to fly in an aero plane at Kitti AHawk, North Carolina, America, on December 17,1903 which lasted for only 12 seconds.
Q#5: What, in brief, are the respective functions of the reconnaissance aero plane and the fighter?
Ans: Reconnaissance plane is used for the purpose of spying. One can know what is happening in enemy’s territory while fighter is used to shoot down the bombers.
Q#6: How were the first bombing attacks on London made?
Ans: The German air ships known as hepplins were used to make the first bombing attack on London. Such air raids took place during World Wars.
Q#7: Why was it more difficult to fly from Europe to North America than from North America to Europe?
Ans: It was more difficult to fly from Europe to North America than from North America to Europe as the aircrafts had to face very heavy head winds and stood in danger of running out of fuel.
Q#8: Why was the use of air ships for passengers transport abandoned?
Ans: The use of air ship was abandoned for the passenger transport as it had met a series of disasters and finally it was declared.
Q#9: What new means of propulsion has greatly increased the speed of airliners in recent years? What kind of radio device contributed to their safety?
Ans: Jet engine has greatly increased the speed of airliner. Radar has contributed a lot towards safety of air journey.